Sunday, September 16, 2007

Human Knot Pictures

This past Friday, our advisory conquered an extremely difficult teamworking challenge--they untangled the Nekrosius Advisory Human Knot! With communication, cajoling, and a fair amount of both literal and interpersonal flexibility, the students went from a hopelessly tangled collection of hand-joined individuals to two interlocking rings of classmates. Tough to describe, really--I'll let the pictures tell the tale:

First, our Friday advisory breakfast:

Second, they all join hands and contemplate the task of unraveling themselves:

Chaos ensues:

At long last, they achieve their goal!


Anonymous said...

yay human not!!!

Ben M

Anonymous said...

Aren't we awesome???

Jeane Em D.

Anonymous said...

Ah, good times, although rather painful as well, good times...

Helen C.

Anonymous said...

that was fun we have to do that again.


sophy c. schulman said...

Sophy Schulman
You've got such a great advisory this year! Wish I could've been there for the human knot!

Willa said...

we are such a awesome advisory!

Willa G

Willa said...

First Friday breakfast... to final Friday breakfast. This school year has been to awesome to describe, because of our awesome advisory!

Anonymous said...

I miss 7th grade so much!

Willa Green