Monday, October 17, 2011

Seventh Grade Boys Soccer Season Comes To A Close

This afternoon the seventh grade boys soccer team capped off a wonderful season with a convincing win over Latin. Thanks to the guys for all of their hard work throughout this autumn. They persevered through some difficult stretches, and they all made impressive strides in terms of both skills and fitness. Here are a few pictures to sum up the season . . .


Anonymous said...

that was awsome

Anonymous said...

The theme of the Monkey King, in Gene Luen Yang's graphic novel American Born Chinese, is one must learn to accept oneself. In the begginig of the first capter, the Monkey King does not realize that heis different from others he meets.He realizes that he is different when the announcer does not let him in because he has no shoes. Therefore, he feels exculded. After that night, he wants to be someone different who is acceptable. after accomplashing four major disciplens and is wearing shoes, he feels that he will be more like other people. Later Tze-Yo-tzuh tells him that he should accept himself. Finally when the Monkey King regects this idea the old man proposed, he punishes the monkey because of that.
--Alicia, Nekrosius