Sunday, November 25, 2012
Students in Mr. Nekrosius's humanities project groups recently researched, wrote, and designed online newspapers about the Salem Witch Trials. To learn more, there is a link to the newspapers below.
For Mr. Nekrosius's humanities classes, here is your blog post assignment:
Choose ONE of the online newspapers created by Mr. Nekrosius's project groups and spend twenty minutes browsing through the various pages (you can find links to the two newspapers here). When have finished reading the newspaper, post a comment in which you write the following:
1.Three things you learned about the trials and/or the people of Salem--be specific, and be thorough.
2. A detailed connection between the events of Salem and the events you studied for your project (or, if you are in Mr. Nekrosius's project group, a connection between something you read and something you wrote for your own article.)
3. One question for an author or one of the designers of the newspapers.
(If you are in Mr. Nekrosius's project groups, you should post on the other class's newspaper.)
You should include ONLY your first name and your class period (NO LAST NAMES) at the end of your blog post.
Also, remember to be positive, constructive, and detailed in your responses! Your posts are due Thursday, November 29th.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Columbus Then, Columbus Now
Remember--read the post, and then click on the word "comments" just below that post. After you have written your post, add your first name, a comma, then "Nekrosius," then your period (example: Frodo, Nekrosius 12). Then, select "Anonymous" for your identity and click "publish your comment."
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Even MORE debatable!
---As always, remember to sign in as "Anonymous" and to sign your FIRST name, then a comma, then Nekrosius (for example--Frodo, Nekrosius).---
Thursday, October 11, 2012
It's (Vice Presidentially) Debatable!
Monday, October 1, 2012
ABC Blog Post Assignment--Due Thursday 10/4
Remember--read the post, and then click on the word "comments" just below that post. After you have written your post, add your first name, a comma, then "Nekrosius," then your period (so, Frodo, Nekrosius 12). Then, select "Anonymous" for your identity and click "publish your comment."
Extra Credit--It's Debatable!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
First Blog Post Assignment: The Box
Think back over everything we have read so far for this unit ("Theme for English B," "American History," "Alone And All Together," the song "Little Boxes,""Sylvia's Story" from National Public Radio, and "Crickets"). Your task now is to write and post a comment in this forum in which you describe a connection between TWO of these works, focusing on the role of "the box." Think about how different characters face similar or different challenges. Think about similarities or differences in the kinds of disguises characters wear. Do you think these characters will escape from their boxes?
Once you have made a connection between two works, post a comment describing that connection. Make sure to mention specific characters/narrators, and to be clear about how the "boxes" they experience are similar. Your post does not have to be long; four or five sentences is plenty. You should feel free to respond to your classmates' posts, as well as to ask your classmates questions.
*** Remember to use your first name, "Nekrosius," and your class period number when you sign your post (do NOT put your last name). Use the "anonymous" identity, and remember that after you click the "Publish your comment" button your comment will not appear until after I have approved it as the moderator. Also, if you choose to respond to what another classmate wrote, please do so in a respectful manner.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Welcome Back!
We will start off with the identity unit, one of my favorite units to teach, and there's a lot to look forward to. For students and parents who have found their way here, you can look forward to periodic posts and occasional assignments for my advisees and Humanities students. For now, if you have any questions or comments about 7th grade Humanities, me, or anything at all, feel free to post them as comments. Below, I have posted just a few pictures from my summer--see you soon!
This is a picture of a Metro station in Washington, D.C., but as a big science fiction fan, I can't help but think that it could double as the launching tube for an X-Wing.
Here you see one of the more devilish machines ever devised--the Zipper. I saw this particular example at the Wisconsin State Fair, a favorite summer event I try to fit in every year. Last but not least, here's a picture of me in front of James Madison's Montpelier home.